
My broker would like to stop by and take a quick look at the place, and while he is there, he can tell you why your property did not sell last time around…and this way if you decide to put the home back on the market, you will have some new information…does that makes sense?

Expired Script 1

Agent: Hi is this (Lead First Name)?

Seller: Yes

Agent: Hi (Lead First Name)! This is [Agent First Name] calling with RE/MAX Town and Country….I’m sure you are busy….I’ll be really brief…the reason I’m calling is on behalf of Ryan Sylvestri - an associate broker here at Remax - he asked me to reach out and see if you ever sold that property on (street address) “Main St”?

Seller: No never sold

Agent: Oh ok got it - do you still want to sell it?

Seller: YES

Agent: Ok great, I know Ryan would like to meet with you for a few minutes and show you what the market has been up to recently, plus he’d be able to give you an updated market value of your home, would that interest you to know how some of the recent sales in the neighborhood have affected your homes value?

Seller: YES

Agent: Great…I’m looking at Ryan’s calendar and it looks like he has some time either later in the week or early next week…does afternoon or evening work better for you?

Seller: NO, maybe, not sure, I don’t know (it doesn't matter how they answer this, the next line is always the same

Agent: Oh ok, that’s no problem, tell me, if it did sell last time around, where would you have gone next? Staying local or….then be silent and wait for a response

Seller: Florida

Agent: Oh, that’s a nice area, tell me, what has you moving to “location”?